Yesterday's Skies

by @philkmills

Yesterday's Skies

Liner Notes

Not much to say.... #instrumental with many #synths inspired by a photo someone posted on Facebook. Then a *whole lot* of MIDI editing happened.

For Native Instruments fans, many things, but mostly: Ignition Keys, Ashlight, Playbox, and Session Percussionist.


I listened to that the first time this morning (and the first song I listened today) and I really like it. Brought a smile to my face. Thank you. I find it funny in some parts and uplifting in other. The first notes where like what's going on/happend and then jay joy. Sorry, just my impresssions.
I like those opening clicks that almost sound like fingersnaps. The twinkly elements make me think of some animation soundtracks, like "Spirited Away." Lovely stuff.
Big sounds for a big sky. I like the "no cymbals" approach you've taken with the drums; they bed in nicely but leave the high frequencies open for all those whispering synths. When I want lush, expansive atmospheres like this, Ashlight's pretty much my default go-to as well...
Pretty cool use of all those tools! I love how I'll see songs like this with the same tool kit that I have but the results are just so vastly different. It's great! Lots of really interesting textures in this. The vox pad throughout this really gives it an underlying eerie feeling.