Swindler Of Twilight

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#oddtimesignature #vibraphone #flute #sixstringbass #short #instrumental
Short experiment in trying to groove without grooving in 5/4.


The way some of the parts creep over the bar line keeps it out of the 5/4 vibe. Not an easy thing to do. Well done.
This kind of track demands attention, it needs to be understood and listened to without distraction. Good choice of initial instrument, as it clearly sets out its 5/4 stall.
well thems some hash tags. it all comes together very well. i like the vibraphone it stands out so well! not forgeting some fine tootling.
You are such a master of music and of taking an odd time signature and cool combination of instruments to create something so engaging and soothing and exciting all at the same time. I love the flowing flute.
Vibes in 5/4? Yes please. And that fat, round bass tone is a killer...

I'm very taken with the idea of being able to groove without grooving, too. That's very zen. As is this track...