
by @ttg105

Liner Notes



You're running with the shark
flying with the otter
swimming with the rabbit
fist-fighting with the dove

The dove!

You're kicking the rock
yelling at the tree
screaming at the dirt
arguing with your shirt

Your shirt!


Another great banging drum and that guitar drones over it so well. Classic ttg vocals this time! It’s all given nice breathing space, very compelling.
Man, that person has a lot of attributes! And the shirt. I'm wondering what points the shirt made in the argument. I can only imagine.
"Monster Bass"? Well, I've got to check that one out, haven't I?
Tags don't lie. Bass is splendidly grungy and the clean surf-rock guitar with that delicious spring reverb is the perfect contrast to it. Bring the noise!
Another cool oiltank sound! So cool!
Lyrics sound like someone is in deep despair and anger.
Love that percussion/beat!
This rocks fantastic!
th opening is so strong it scared me. i love the impractical and out of place final lines of each verse. I can imagine swimming with rabbits, but how can you fistfight a dove?
Digging that beat! Oh wow! Now those guitars! And then there’s something that sounds like a hubcap rolling down the road. No need for words except for chuckles! Which, of course, takes it to next level. Boom boom be-boom boom…