Morning Of Nuance ❤️

by @candle

Challenge: Refrain (No Chorus)

Liner Notes

#hit一em一dream #loopcloud #一sýƶýģý一 #samples #212bpm #jeskola #jeskola一buzz


Now I know what you're all thinking: "He's never going to write a song at that BPM!?!" Well, I did. I saw the forum thread regarding #hit一em一dream & thought: "Hey, why not?" So I opened up Jeskola Buzz, started inporting a bunch of samples from Loopcloud & put this little ditty together over the last couple of days. I'm quite pleased with the results. Maybe I should do more songs at faster BPM's…

See You In The Shadows…

This song is released under the Creative Commons CC0 License (Public Domain). Do with it as you will. If you would like a copy of the Jeskola Buzz BMX file to play around with, let me know in the comments below.


Morning Of Nuance

A remarkable, remarkable sensation
Are you afraid of what might follow once you start?
It's a sign of trouble
It's a sign of trouble


A wonderful dynamic 4/4 space you've created. A sign of trouble no doubt or a sign of more metronome breakers to come. Great sounds.
Groovy, very cyber sounding, the swooshes cut through nicely, like the guitars circling over the sound!
Remember the jukebox? I can imagine myself hearing this on it, and saying out loud: "Wow... Cyber-tribal? This is so good! Who's that? I want to follow. WHAT??? No way, haha! Awesome..."
Glad you jumped into the challenge. Those dark whispers are the perfect effect.
Wow, now I'm steaming in nuance.
Love the guitars in this one, it's mysterious but with a lot of movement. I would dance to this in a rave inside a cave or old warehouse!
this is like voodoo drummers getting so high that they levitate, i love the splashdowns as well,
You’d never know the BPM is that high - you’ve done this in such a tasteful way. Not like DnB, which blows my head off!
Given the results you got here, I would definitely say you need to do more stuff at higher BPMs. This is great fun!
I love how the beats give that early morning rush but in a joyous manner and suddenly the toil increases to ominous.
Well choosen sounds which makes for a coherent and mesmerizing result. Unfortunately it’s 4/4 and not 5/4 so it can’t be classified as #hitem. Does Loopcloud supply 5/4 loops?