The Very Good Boys

by @dr_griff · @joe_addams

The Very Good Boys
dr_griff +1

Liner Notes

#stephenking #filk #melancholy

So @joe_addams and I have a couple of these, which we call song-and-stories. He tells the story and I sing the song.

We felt that several good boys from King's stories deserved some kind of tribute, so here it is. Be prepared to cry. We did.

(And yes, we know about the awful sound quality. Unfortunately we don't have a studio, so there's nothing we can do about it at this point. Sorry :( )


What happened to them was an accident.
Cujo was a good boy.
Church was a loyal boy.
The bat and the truck were not their fault.
Neither saw it coming.
They didn’t ask for any of this.
They loved their people, and their people loved them.

(Capo 4)

Cujo, the BOY calls me
I am a GOOD BOY, and so is he
C Em
I didn’t bite him, but it bit me
Am D G
I would never hurt him, never at all

Church, the little girl calls me
I am a good cat and she loves me
It didn’t hit her, but it hit me
I would never hurt her, never at all

C Em
I was a good boy who had an accident
A good boy and true
C Em
I was a good boy who did the best I could
The same as you would do

What happened to them was an accident.
Mr. Jingles was a silly boy,
Oy was a brave boy.
The healing and the fight were not their choice.
Neither saw it coming.
They too, never asked for this.
Nobody’s perfect. Accidents happen.

Mr. Jingles, the man called me
I am a circus mouse and he loved me
They didn’t save him, but they saved me
I would never hurt him, never at all

Oy, good boy, the ka-tet called me
I am a bumbler and they loved me
I protected them, and they set me free
I would never hurt them, never at all

I was a good boy who had an accident
A good boy and true
I was a good boy who did the best I could
The same as you would do

Am Em
A bat, a truck, a spider
Am Em
A laying-on of hands
Am Em
Have changed us beyond measure
We never had a chance


Cujo was a very good boy.
Church was a loyal boy.
Mr. Jingles was a circus boy.
Oy was a very brave boy.
They loved their people, and their people loved them.
Nobody’s perfect. Accidents happen.
That doesn’t mean they weren’t all very, very good boys.

So remember, we were good boys then
And we still are good boys now
Just remember, we did the best we could
It doesn’t matter how

So say our names a time or two
Because what is remembered, lives
Remember we were good boys too
Remember and forgive

We were good boys who had an accident
Good boys and true
We were good boys who did the best we could
C D Em
The same as you would do

We were good boys who had an accident
Good boys and true
We were good boys who did the best we could
C D Em
The same as you would do
C D Em
The same as you would do
The same as you would do


Brother! I signed up! And listened to this one again cause... your phone speakers didn't do it justice and... well, Oy, the goodest (proper grammar is important!) of boys!
Thank you so much for your kind comment on "The Very Good Boys"! We hope to write more songs in this style, with spoken narrative. It works for us. :)
Nice tribute to the good boys this works very well . Nice collaboration
What an interesting and unique premise for a song and it works extremely well as both a narrative and a song...
Great collab, super title, just enough humor hidden here, stellar idea. So much tragedy, sensitively recounted in ann oblique way, and the melody and playing is perfection! I like the structure with a spoken intro for sections. I don’t know Jingles or Oy so I’m off to Google! 🥹