Some Say

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Branded (@atornberg)
Some Say

Liner Notes

Written for the Branded Skirmish (some time later)
The narrator makes a plea for us to stop labelling each other.

Instrument: Yamaha FG 180 (Red Label)


Guitar Chord Shapes - but CAPO 5

(F) Some Say I'm like (D) this
Some (F) say I'm like (D) that
If they in(F)sist on defin(D)itions
They won't get (A) over my door mat
(C) They can keep their (G) branding
For the (C) products that they (G) make
(C) If you try to (G) label me
You're (D) making a big mis(A)take

"Everyone's a world!" they say
"Vive la difference!" they cry
So why do they need to pigeonhole
Why do they even try?
She's a Punk, he's a Hipster
They're Crusties, that lot's Goths
When I hear folk use those labels
It just arouses my wrath

I will not be put in boxes
Defined or identified
Tagged with any labels
In a few words classified
I don't fit their description
And I know I never will
But I guess they'll keep on trying
To grind me in their mill

Back in my adolescence
I didn't feel the need to belong
Didn't follow any fashion
Didn't let myself be strung along
Didn't give in to peer pressure
Never smoked or hit the booze
Steered clear of pills and powders
Swore myself I'd never lose

And I never have (Em) lost my(D)self at (A) all


This is great, @berni1954 ! I like it very much. I particularly like that rhythm. I also am less than a fashion plate and agree that it doesn't matter. Marching to a different drummer is much a much more interesting way to experience life to me. Your song gets that concept across well. Thanks!
what a great sentiment and great points you make, effectively and tunefully and well! great work! and i like that somewhat aggressive guitar strumming, too- works well with this!
A great and heartfelt plea that I TOTALLY agree with. The most insidious thing about labels is that they allow the othering of anything that doesn't carry labels which the consensus approve of, and this is why we can't have nice things.

Related: obsessing about what genre a piece of music needs to be regarded as has always mystified me. It's *music*—that's all that matters!
Well said and well sung!
Great message and very relatable! The labels we put on each other are so confining and unidimensional. Fabulous chorus and lovely delivery!
This song has a very clear message and is a great prompt challenge. Don’t let them grind you in the Mill. Nice track
Very strong take on the prompt. Relatable and truthful. Fantastic singing and playing. Catchy song. Very well written and inspired song.