Don't Believe Me Now - #CommentsFirst

by @carleybaer

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This song is for the #commentsfirst challenge. It will be written based on the first few comments it receives. The title came from my first roll of the dice with Titular. Please leave a comment below, and don't be shy. I like to try new things.


There's a feeling of deep languor and melancholy, despite the frenetic pacing. I don't know how you pulled that off.
I can’t believe it.You did this song in 30 minutes?
Are those cicadas or fireflies that I hear?
The backward vocal section was amazing.
I love how the lyric reveals the unreliable narrator.
That opening guitar lick got my attention right away! I love how you modify it for the outro -- really clever!
I love the atonal harmonies in the B section
My absolute favorite thing about songs that havre a title beginning with "Don't" is they usually contain solid advice for life. Yours sure didn't disappoint!

When you hit that high C on the vocals in the outro I stood up and cheered!
Wow, the change of tempo between verse and chorus is genius.