The Mocker

by @gmcgath

The Mocker

Liner Notes

So many people are convinced that insults are the best way to get their convictions across. Maybe it should have its own word, "insultsplaining." This song is from the POV of a chronic insultsplainer. If you think I'm only talking about THOSE people, think again. I admit to having felt this way myself now and then.

Recording a song while a deck is being constructed out back creates problems, but maybe the random hammer blows add something to the song.

I use a basso ostinato (repeated bass line) to underscore the singer's obstinacy.
#filk #vocal


The Mocker
Copyright 2024 Gary McGath

Why don't you know you're a fool?
Didn't they teach you in school?
Can't you see what you've become?
It is so clear that you're dumb.

Surely my words should persuade.
Show you the blunders you've made.
You are a total disgrace,
That's why I laugh in your face.

Why don't you know you're a fool?
Didn't they teach you in school?
I've tried my best to explain
There's something wrong with your brain.

Surely you know you should squirm,
Yet even now you stand firm.
There must be some way to tell
You that you're stupid as hell.

Why don't you know you're a fool?
Didn't they teach you in school?
You should feel crushed by the shame,
Yet you won’t see you're to blame.

Surely there must be a way,
Yet no one hears what I say.
Always it's been the same tale.
Always I try and I fail.
Always I try and I fail.


Trying to catch up with my listening! Nice idea and arrangement. And I know I've felt this way sometimes (and I'm sure everyone has). I like that bell sound too.
Very good writing and performing. It reminded me a little of songs from the the Theepenny Opera.
I like the juxtaposition of the vocals and bells on the musical track, with those encroaching hammers. There’s a musical greater quality to this that I like.
No, no, no. The point of my song was that we should _communicate_ with people who hold different views, maybe even listen to them, not that we should walk away because they're so hopeless that even insults won't work.
Yes, I know the feeling. Some people have fundamental concepts about how to evaluate information that are so different from mine that I can only walk away. Otherwise, I'd become too much like your song's protagonist.

The most potent word in there, for me, is "Surely"...nothing sure about the things it introduces.