(I've Been) Working, Working Working

by @tcelliott

Liner Notes

#slack #acousticonetake

We were talking about working (and retiring) in the FAWM slack and I made a comment that ended up being the first (and repeated) line of the song.


I've been working, working, working but I don't think I like it
But my wife says I've gotta go
Working, working, working but I definitely don't like it
But my bills' got me in a hole
There's gotta be something more than this
Slowly sinking into the abyss
Working, working, working but I don't think I like it
My wife says I've gotta go

I've been working, working, working but I don't think I like it
More than 50 hours a week
Working, working, working but I definitely don't like it
I'm gonna die from fatigue
There's gotta be something more than this
Slowly sinking into the abyss
Working, working, working but I don't think I like it
I'm gonna die from fatigue

I've been working, working, working but I don't think I like it
My boss says I've gotta stay
Working, working, working but I definitely don't like it
So I can retire some day
There's gotta be something more than this
Slowly sinking into the abyss
Working, working, working but I don't think I like it
My boss says I've gotta stay
Working, working, working but I definitely don't like it
I think I'm gonna quit today
I think I'm gonna quit today
I think I'm gonna quite today


i told you this already, but i'm stating for the record that the "week/fatigue" rhyme is inspired!

thematically i kind of want to put it into conversation with "California Stars"
Really liked the opening lick and then into the rock strum, which is cool too. The solo sounds great as well. We have all had those moments where we said we were quitting today.
Definitely a rock in tune man. Work-life balance is non-existent. Grateful I like what I do. Feel like I don't work a day however there are many hours that I'm quote not working.
Way to channel this into a cool song!
I had some luck in the stock market so retired early. No regrets, EXCEPT I wish that I had "worked" harder earlier in my retirement in the sense that I wished I'd started pursuing hobbies (like songwriting) earlier and washed, maybe, a little less t.v. Anyway--we can all identify with the lyric, and a nice guitar/vocal over it! ❤️
truth! Though I am glad I don't have to deal with the extra hour sitting in traffic. The main traffic backup here is if the coffee pot is ready and how many toys I have to avoid on the steps.
Testify! It’s a hard relate from me on this one. Like you’ve read my mind 😂. All the repetition works really really well, and some of that acoustic playing is amazing. Right, back to my train journey into the office…
nice one! way to turn working fatigue into a bluesy song and a fine excuse to play some nice guitar! love the repetition of 'working working working'- a fine hook that, uhhh, 'works' well in the song :)
A song about the everyday reality for many (says the old retired man) nice bit of guitar play there to turn it round. i reckon you could get a singalong going with this!