When You're Out Tonight

by @brohachomuchacho

Liner Notes

#love #singersongwriter #simple
this song is an exercise in letting things be imperfect. i didnt have a lot of time so i didnt spend a lot of time making it. it kind of all just came out of me pretty much as is: lyrics and all. i usually slave over lyrics because i want to put a lot of meaning behind them, but for this one i just let whatever came first to my head be what i said. obviously, im a hopeless romantic. never been in a relationship yet, but i cant wait until i find the person im looking for because im gonna love them so much


When you're out tonight
Will you dance underneath the sky
When you're out tonight
In this pale moonlight

When you're walking away
Will you say my name?
Will you wake me up?
When I've fallen down the drain?

Yeah it’s you
Yeah it’s you, that I'm looking for
When you're out tonight
Will you meet me in the light?

When you walk away
I can see it in your face
You want to make it right
But not tonight

Oh how lovely it would be
To finally see you,
Dancing around without a care in the world

Cause you, deserve all of it
And I would like to be by your side
When it rains down upon us
And nothing stays the same

And nothing stays the same

Oh I love you the most
And I cant say it enough


These are great, romantic lyrics. I like them. I also think you've done some great things with the melody. My favorite section is roughly:
Will you say my name?
Will you wake me up?
When I've fallen down the drain?

Yeah it’s you
Yeah it’s you, that I'm looking for
When you're out tonight
Will you meet me in the light?

and this is, all-in-all, really strong. Lots of great lines. "You want to make it right/But not tonight" is another terrific pairing,
This is a really cool - we don't get to hear many songs with just a bass accompaniment. Your melody and vocals are so interesting and you take ear catching twists and turns. I really like the question format of your lyrics - it is very compelling. Very nice lyrical style, and just going with your first instinct really worked well.