Here You Are! (Flap Flap Flap)

by @freshspotlessyouth · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

I'm about to leave for a camping trip. @mahtowin said she would be happy if someone took so much as one line from here lovely lyrics about the sound of birds' wings, so I took a couple. I only had a few minutes to write and record. Maybe I'll try to stretch it out when I get back. You can find her full lyrics here:


It's easy to be content!
To sit here.
Listening to nothing
Or the bus
Or maybe chewing on my thoughts, until...
Flap, flap, you are!
Here you are!
You don't need to sing
Here you are!
Flap, flap, you are!
You don't need to sing
Here you are!


So thoughtful and mediative! The lyrical selection creates such an intimate, welcoming vibe, and the delicate performance is utterly entrancing. Listening to this was a brief but lovely experience, very much worth savoring.
well my comments have vanished. hmm. well same again. love the gentle almost whispered vocal. flap.flap flap
This is so sweet, and because it is so short, I'm having the same feeling as when I feel the wind on my face on a very hot day.
The lyrics capture the "in the here and now" philosophy with just a few lines; the "Flap, flap, flap" are brilliant, all the more as the vocals make them go upward.
Very lovely!
Oooh - you caught it just right, transformed just enough to give it a story, and lifted it like a ... bird.
Firstly, excellent title! Love the melodic transition from the meditative opening to the sudden joyous intrusion of the birds, which feels very in the spirit of the original lyrics. Also that guitar line is a thing of beauty. Overlay some bird song over the end and it’d be perfect ;)
Really nice tune for some lovely lyrics! Your vocals sound very intimate and full of contentment. Reminds me of "the Wind" by Cat Stevens, another short but beautiful song.
reminds me of an old buddhist tale from the 60s. there was a protest going on in dc. a young monk was told to go there. what should i do, the young monk asked. nothing, replied the master. just get a room in a hotel and sit there. your very presence will change the outcome of the situation outside.
Oh, this is so lovely!
Glad you took some of my lines!
Enjoyed this short beautiful song very much! ♥️
You can sing about anything - even a bird - and make it soar - lol!