Nothing is New Under the Moon

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Steal From a Favorite (@funnypunkband)

Liner Notes

Thank you for a very interesting prompt. I thought about the phrase "nothing is new under the moon". Not sure where I heard it, maybe from my mum. Thank you for listening and commenting. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate on a song/instrumental version. I think, there is room for both, more instruments, and vocals.

#skirmish #instrumental #collaborationswelcome

Nothing is New Under the Moon' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.

It was fun to continue working on the piece. My initial submission was 3'26 and some of the instruments sounded to me a little too soft. I've adjusted the volumes, changed some melodic and rhythmic patterns and made the tempo a little faster. It's now 3 minutes. Thank you to everyone who took the time to listen to my music and to comment on it. Your comments are inspiring for me.


You've never had trouble coming up with interesting melodies, Nadia and this one holds true to your tradition. The arrangement with instruments that go beyond your trusty piano proves that there IS something new under the moon. My favourite added instrument was the accordion providing a countermelody.
Got a little "string" something going there. I guess pianos have strings, too... But yes--I like seeing you expanding your "arrangements". Another great song! ❤️
Nice selection of instrument together, a beautiful warm tone that builds throughout the piece. Great interlinking harmonies.
A thoughtful, what-if kind of feeling, stepping into unexplored realms.
Ah, so lovely and really made me smile! This is a great skirmish!
Great skirmishing as usual. I'm not sure whether it's because I was just watching the Olympics but I could imagine hearing this on a Parisien street.
Love that phrase! I like the happy direction you took your piece, a nice melody as usual. And I like how you ventured into some jazzy chords. Cool contrast in the middle where you change voices for your melody. Nice work!
This is really pleasant, glad you were inspired to think of some old wisdom you'd picked up. I really enjoy the chords and the playing of this song. Well done!