Speech = Money

by @carleybaer

Speech = Money

Liner Notes

#fuc #protest #americana

This song came out of a conversation with @erbaer this morning.


If money is speech
Then speech is money
And the longer I talk
The richer I get
If money’s protected
Then it’s to be expected
That the more words I say
The less I’m in debt

Yes I could go on and on and on
About the ways that this precedent mangles
The soul of democracy’s dead on the lawn
But we’re so distracted by the stars and the spangles

Because if money is speech
Then speech is money
And I could talk my way
Into a spending spree
Yes I’ll turn every vent
Into checks for the rent
No chatter too idle
For idolatry

For money and speech to reach equivalency
Then the power has to flow in both directions
Can’t have a one-way current for the currency
That belies a fundamental misconception

Because if money is speech
Then speech is money
Both have to be true
At the end of the day
So let it be known
You can take out a loan
And then read the phone book
So you don’t have to pay
And really
What else is there to say


Loving the lyrical antics here — with the rhythm, clever syntax, and sweet melody. The “La las” are charming.
This is a total keeper, as both a great song and great recording/performance! Love the basic idea and you do it so well- I only wish I had thought up the idea first (tho it wouldn't be as great!)
love it!
That is punching up indeed. And the message is wrapped up in such a pretty musical package. It will make the hard truth go down easy.
Ah! If I had a dollar for every time I've said "money is not speech (and corporations are not people)" I could probably buy a really nice ukulele. Anyway, from your mouth to someone's ear. I love the message, and the delivery here.
Suddenly I'm thinking of windmills, electric boats, and a weird letter I got today. I don't know why.
Great wordplay delivered in a very easy-breezy manner, despite the biting sarcasm. Nice job.