Lost on Purpose

by @phylo

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Just a made-up story that came from what I could remember from a very elaborate dream I had. Frankly, I'm amazed that I could remember this much of it. I've tried country and blues and folk styles for it and nothing is gelling. Please take a stab at this if you are inspired...
#lyricsonly #needsmusic


I took a wrong turn but I know where I stand
Left my old map in a beat-up sedan
Sun sinking low, shadows long in the sand
Just me and the night, with no guiding hand

My head turns to see last bit of light
The stars whisper tales in the empty sky
Coyote calls out as the moon's climbing high
No compass to tell that I'm near or gone by

Gettin' lost on purpose under heaven’s quilt
Roamin' through hills where the wildflower’s spilt
No care for direction, don't have any guilt
My foot's on the gas and my dreams are fulfilled

Flew past the woods where the old oak creaks
Wind in the branches, an ancient voice speaks
Eyes on the road, a rose in the weeds
Present in the moment, so to speak

Echoes of a past that I try never to trace
Each step forward, then forgotten in place
Miles behind those familiar faces
Lost on purpose with no homeward spaces

Gettin' lost on purpose under heaven’s quilt
Roamin' through hills where the wildflower’s spilt
No care for direction, don't have any guilt
My foot on the gas and my dreams are fulfilled


What a good write, Phil! I might be able to do something musically if you let me give it a try.
All who wander are not lost! You paint quite a landscape here Phil. A lyric this nice deserves some equally fitting music. I think it will come to you in time.
These lyrics are absolutely stunning. You paint such a vivid picture of a character and their volitions. Wonderful stuff.