I Don't Say Photograph

by @mandolinda

I Don't Say Photograph

Liner Notes

I like to use #titular for song titles, and this one captivated my muse. I have been thinking about it since February. Last weekend we drove 3 hours to my sister's place, through what used to farmland and a few small villages. Every time we return, more housing developments have swallowed the greenbelt, and I keep wondering where will we plant crops for our food,? We need the forests to let nature soak up excess rainfall so flooding does not erode fields and future concrete streets. I don't want a photo of the forest, I want to keep the forest.
#nature #guitelele #fuc #singersongwriter #acousticonetake


I Don’t Say Photograph

[verse 1]
When I’m walking in the fields along the riverbank
The beauty of the scene makes me stop and give thanks
For I see the trees and grassy fields as a home for the free
A paradise forever, but there are no guarantees

[verse 2]
But now, shadows loom where cranes stretch toward the sky
Concrete fingers reaching, natures gentle sigh
Homes of glass and steel rise, where once birds freely soared
Their songs now drowned by advancing dischord.

I don’t say photograph, I let the stories flow
In the tales we tell each other that’s where the love will grow
No framed pieces on the wall, just voices in the air
I don’t say photograph I remember how we cared.

[verse 3]
Snapshots can’t capture the laughter in nature’s eyes
Or the way nature’s voice trembled when we said goodbye
Each picture fades away but our words linger on
In the echoes of the night in the verses of our song

[verse 4]
I try to capture moments, keep them close, hold them tight,
Memories of green and gold bathed in soft sunlight.
Yet with each passing season, another piece is gone,
A paradise eroding, replaced by lifeless stone


I love the comfortable familiar feeling of the melody and the concept that you develop so well here. There is a bittersweet story of how things change in the verses juxtaposed with the lasting images of love that stay in our mind even as change happens. So true! And as always, a lovely delivery with your music and vocals!
sounds like a song from an old movie, but with a modern message! your vocals are great on this! just perfect.