Whispers in the Night

by @wacha

Challenge: Moon Echo
Whispers in the Night

Liner Notes

This is a weird, experimental song I put together for the #moonechochallenge.

My thought behind it was that it would be a score of sorts for some sort of sci-fi movie.

I had intended on giving rather details notes on this one but composed it last week and can't and don't remember what I did. Oh, it is designed for headphones but however you listen is appreciated.

#electronic #experimental #soundscape #film


Beautiful soundscape! Intriguing - ripe for the imagination. Spectacular build!
I like how the sound seems to bend. A little unsettled, definitely intriguing, but not too scary.
certainly felt like i was out in space , a pretty dramatic feel to this!
Love the drama it creates and layers to evolve moments. Wil work great for licensed music.
Nice out of this world sounds with a cautious tone in there as well in my experience. It's like charting uncharted realms of space. Very nice.