Waitin' For the Woman

by @jeff9 · @donna

Liner Notes

#countryfolk #mandolin #singersongwriter
Ms Donna writes a sweet lyric that could've easily been done with a straight country approach, but it seemed to have a gentleness to it that allowed for something in this slightly folk-ier vein with some fine mandola and mandolin accompaniment courtesy of my virtual BIAB bandmates. Melody, arrangement, vocals and acoustic guitar are mine, along with my possibly misguided attempt at production in Garageband. (I have LogicPro X, but I'm still a little intimidated by its scope).

Donna sez: This is wonderful, Jeff. Simply lovely. You interpreted exactly the mood and vibe I'd hoped for. 😊


Waitin’ For the Woman
Lyrics - Donna Devine
Music - Jeff Walker

Dingy café near a boarded up school
Step right inside ‘n grab my favourite stool
Near the pecan pie and the old brass till
See her saltin’ fries by the burger grill

She smiles ‘Mornin’, hon, now what’ll it be?’
My heart says ‘Mam, your number
And dinner with me’
But I can only mumble, ‘Plain joe’

She’s the reason I’m here
But I’m takin’ it slow you see
Just waitin’ for the woman
Who’s waitin’ on me
Been alone so long
Don’t wanna say nothin’ wrong

Movin’ towards me, I hope she don’t stop
Slides a damp cloth along the counter top
Her hard-workin’ hands ‘d have a lot to say
And her voice is soft, I could listen all day

She says ‘Evenin’, hon, now what’ll it be?’
My heart says ‘Mam, your number
And dinner with me’
But I can only mumble ‘Plain joe’

She’s the reason I’m here
But I’m takin’ it slow you see
Just waitin’ for the woman
Who’s waitin’ on me
Been alone so long
Don’t wanna say nothin’ wrong

Fin’lly work up the nerve to speak
When she leans right in, touches my cheek
‘N with twinklin’ eyes
Asks ‘what’ll it be?’
I say ‘Your number, ma’am
And dinner with me’

You’re the reason I’m here
I was takin’ it slow you see
Kinda waitin’ for the woman
Who’s waitin’ on me
Been alone so long
Afraid I’d say somethin’ wrong

Now every night she knows where I’ll be
Happy waitin’ for the woman who waited on me


I love these lyrics. Easy to connect with this character as the story unfolds. These lines are brilliant: 'Just waitin’ for the woman, Who’s waitin’ on me'. I love a happy ending too! Add Jeff's vocals and emotive performance and this song almost made me tear up. Awesome collab :)
The concept of the lyric makes me think of a bizarre New Wave song by a bizarre New Wave singer named Wazno Nariz. The title: Checking Out the Checkout Girl. But the words here are WAY better than that little ditty. Donna deftly places just enough telling details (the brass till, salting the fries, wiping the counter, the way she says "Hon") to make us see the scene and we're inside the singer's head and heart enough to care. Fantastic. Then Jeff's music and vocals make sure our hearts are fully engaged. What a great collab, you two!
I could listen to that intro a day - just gorgeous! Donna's lyrics are so vivid and with such great character development. I love that we are in on his secret. The lyrics "Just waitin’ for the woman who’s waitin’ on me" - wow! I like the gentle and beautiful track, the tender emotive vocals, and the sweet and vulnerable vibe of the song. Great collab! I took a deep dive into my DAW (Studio One) this year, with a lot of help from @gm7. I resisted for a long time but now am actually having fun working with it! If you ever want to talk about it let me know - because I have been on both sides.
I really love this! Great lyrics from Donna (of course!) and a wonderful delivery by Jeff (just perfect!) I’m a sucker for these old-timey romantic numbers. This is superb, you two!
LOVE these lyrics! I'm all about diners myself having been (mostly) a lifelong bachelor with virtually no "fix my own food" skills.

Great job--as always--with the music and vocal, Jeff! ❤️
Another smooth vocal . The story is brought to life with Jeff's melody and backing track and a catchy chorus.
Love the pre chorus lines too. Great collab
This is so tight in so many ways. The lyrics are simple and unique, but with that "three chords and the truth" vibe. Your vocals are so smooth and the mandolin works so well here on the break. Nice job all around.
This is one of the best songs I've heard. Very well written both music and lyric. It's like you ripped a page out of my life. Yes, I married her. No, it didn't last!! 😞
Awesome collab you two!! Sweet lyrics - Jeff’s vocals are perfect for them!
Great hook and clear story line. The music and melody is relaxed and natural. Jeff's vocals have q good shine like always. You two could shop this one!
donnas lyric is so vivid and embracabe storytelling. I was in that cafe at another table, following every move and wanting that waitress for myself. Jeff never misses a note, hit the bullsey on each one. fantastic singing and the guitar was exquisite.