Livid In The Middle

by @brisk

Liner Notes

Okay, I think this is officially filler. I was thinking of "She Likes Surprises" off Superunknown I think, but without the weird off-kilter rock'n'roll stuff... and actually, I'm listening to it now, and it doesn't sound at all like I remembered it.

I did most of this a couple of weeks ago, and just slapped the bass on and toned down some of the more crazy vocal effects.

#filler #offkilter #unspecificanimus #effectssoup


How do you know you're right?
Each and every time
It must be so exhausting
Livid in the middle
Vivid in the middle


Nice whispery groove...
Not so much filler as the deep cut that only the real fans bond over. Feels like you’re exploring the experimental end of the Blur scale. The latter day stuff mainly, I guess. Love the wobbly robo vocal, and the general spaciness of it all. And the ending is delightfully playful.
feels like clever play on words. very differeny, touches of fgth. interesting song
Very experimental. I enjoyed the listen
i really like how experimental this is. the vocals at times have an almost scott weiland kind of quality about them. the guitar part is really nice. i enjoyed the fade out and then back in for the abrupt ending. kind of like helter skelter or something. very fun