The Damned Warrior

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#filk #instrumental #sixstringbass #soundtrack


What Chris said, monster bass, even on my little Bluetooth speaker, it almost makes it bounce across the worktop 😆 The sounds fit very well together and the whole piece evokes a soundtrack feel, as per your hashtag. Did I mention that bass, how is it so bassy but not muddy 🤔
this has a morricone feel, could fit right into his soundtrack for The Mission. i like the way the music becomes fuller and stronger as it progresses, then opens u a little to make room for a brief vocal passage. at the three minute mark the music changes direction from the melodic morricone feel to arpeggiating passages ala philip glass and the bass becomes the driving force. you pack a lot into 4 minutes and 18 seconds.
Huge choir and reverb? I'm in. Really like the chord progression, too. But it's that monster bass sound that's the star of the show here. Tone!