My Cinnamon Skin/Meine Haut aus Zimt

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#bass #hypnotic #german

Mahtowin's voice is so magical she can take a two-note song (literally just B and A until the big finale) and make it soar.

Mahtowin: I love what Pennyfeather does with just two notes!
The lyrics came to me while i was taking a sunbath on a lazy sunny day watching butterflies and bees …


Der Schmetterling auf meinem Knie
nimmt einen Sonnen-Drink.
Döst weg wie ein Kind
auf meiner Haut aus Zimt!

Eine kleine Biene brummt
geschäftig um mich rum
und landet erschöpft
auf meinem anderen Knie!

Der faule Schmetterling und die müde Biene
tranken Tee in Grün
auf meinen Zimt-Knien.

My cinnamon skin

The butterfly on my knee
takes a sun drink.
Doze off like a child
on my cinnamon skin!

A little bee buzzes
busy around me
and ends up exhausted
on my other knee!

The lazy butterfly and the tired bee
drank green tea
on my cinnamon knees.


the musical groove insists you listen - somehow feels a bit joy division which is good by mean! top lyric and the vocals float beautifully over the top like they were made in the same moment in space and time
I'm so glad you sing in German and have translations for us. Great harmonies and setting. Keeps shifting from major to minor, which I really love. And the two characters perched on your knees! What a delight. Kudos to both of you.
Very hypnotic. I had to play it twice!
You got that "hypnotic" tag right. I totally lost myself in this one. It might be a while before I get "auf meinen Zimt-Knien" out of my head. There's no hurry. I love the slap of that back beat and the grinding bass, and all the other tasty musical flourishes
This is just so cool! I love the lyrics and also agree that it’s all about the sound - the interplay of voice and instrumental.
Language, notes, lyrics don’t matter. The voice is the main instrument crafted into sound design. The backing track rocks the cradle.
you dont need a lot of notes when you have a vocie like Mahtowin's and te musical genius of Paul. What a duo! What a song!!! Experimental music that is accessible to everyone.