I Forgot the Song

by @misfitgrit

I Forgot the Song

Liner Notes

Challenge to write a song about a mystery that drops some hints. In this case, a mystery song I'm trying to remember (can you guess what it is?).


Outside the hippodrome
2,000 miles from home
A man with a home-made drum set
Sang a song I’d never forget

But I forgot the song
That saved me when all went wrong
But I forgot the song
Remind me and let’s sing along

Palm trees and a ferris wheel
Loneliness all I feel
Birthday, but out of cake So
I’m just watching the tide break


He looked me right in the eye
Felt like I was gonna cry
He had an oldie just for me ‘Bout
a man from Georgia by the sea

I think there was a part with a whistle
Something about boats and bays
Times and tides at the seaside
A soul music travel guide

Remind Me, Remind Me, Remind Me
Of that song, Let’s sing along, sing along, sing along



I like how you create an unforgettable song to recreate the feeling of having a song matter so much to you, and also that feeling of it being just on the tip of my memory. And an ode to the importance of repetition too.
Cool concept! I like your vocal delivery and melody a lot. Was it “Dock of the Bay?”
Very cool song. Chorus is super catchy and the words directly encourage me to sing along which I wanted to do anyway. The hand clap part to break about the two choruses coming out of the bridge was a fantastic idea. I also really like the painting of the scene, really sets me in those moments of interactions with buskers, and how they can take a song everyone knows, make it there own, and put it right in your heart all new again.

I didn't guess the mystery, alas, but that is to be expected from this guy. It's right there in plain sight, and I had to hit my forehand with the palm when it was reveled to me.

Great song.
Such a cool little diddy that reads big and plays catchy! Dug the little nuances you threw in with the vocals by way of twisted/stretched cadence, clapping hands, and whistling. Truly had a Dylan-like feel throughout just by way of this lyric's bare-bone simplicity that said so much indirectly as much as it did directly. Classic title, too, man! Great build on that to telling the story of its Genesis in this tune.
Such a fun listen. Super catchy chord progression and chorus! Since I know the answer from yesterday's Zoom songcircle I'll let others guess here.