Out of Sight - Out of Mind

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Whoever Said Out of Sight... (@cbmagic)

Liner Notes

For skirmish of a similar title
This one uses my John Daniel Sopranino Ukulele
#fuc #sopranino

ADDED VIDEO with slightly edited lyrics and better scanning of one awkward line in the original recording.


Intro: (F) (G) (C)

(F) Out of sight, out of mind
I (C) reckoned I'd left all that behind
(F) Made a clean break or so I thought
But my (C) thoughts in your (G) spider's (C) web are caught
My thoughts in your (G) spider's web are (C) caught

(G) What you don't see won't hurt you
Ex(F)cept if your memory's (C) clear
You're (G) hiding just behind my eyes
(F) Whether you're far or (C) near
I (F) thought a thousand miles distance
Would (C) drive you from my head
But (G) maybe I'll only forget you
When I'm (F) lying on some (G) slab stone (C) dead


I've (G) torn up all your photos
De(F)leted your image on my (C) phone
But des(G)pite my desperate actions
Your (F) face won't leave me a(C)lone
I (F) try my best to forget you
I watch (C) endless series on TV
But (G) every second actress
Reminds me of (F) who you (G) used to (C) be


(G) Memories can be a blessing
But (F) memories of you are a (C) curse
(G) Lying in my bed at night
My (F) dreams just make it (C) worse
It (F) seems you've got inside me
And you're re(C)luctant to let go
When (G) I'll be cured of this addiction
I (F) guess only (G) God really (C) knows

Repeat last line


"But my (C) thoughts in your (G) spider's (C) web are caught"...such a great hook line. Nice melody and you have the strings burning up on that ukulele ...well done.
What a nice sound from that mini uke. Fantastic to watch you play it. The skirmish song was also a good storyline for the prompt. Nicely done.
Ha! This is a bit close to the bone (or was, many years ago) and totally totally the way it can be. For years and years. Why does half my watchlist sing songs that remind me of such spiders' webs? Must be the human condition. At least all my mistakes no longer march on the bed at night in review order, rank by evil rank...
What an imaginative way to describe those memories we want to forget! The spider’s web makes a great hook. And wonderful to hear your voice again; sorry I am so far behind on listening.
Compelling song and vid...just vox and tiny uke but a big impact and more power to your metaphorical and actual elbow for achieving that!
ooh i don't know if i've heard a sopranino uke before but i love that you made this choice for your performance of this song. it's so darling!!! -- and it gives what might otherwise be weighty lyrics such a lighthearted lift.
you cant fool yourself ha ha . very catchy upbeat music for a lost cause.
I like the Ukulele playing, The song flows well, and sounds like you had fun making this song.
Thank you.
Looks like you are stuck for life: trapped in the moment. I Like your friendly ukulele and the repetition at the end of the verse. You make it sound like so much fun to have a spider problem. Your rhymes fall so easy on the ears!
Super-catchy tune, especially the chorus. And the repetition of the last line in the chorus works really well. I like how you start with the chorus too. Your uke sounds great. Good story in your lyric as well, nice one overall.