The Trickle Through Your Fingertips (It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain)

by @freshspotlessyouth · @stephenwordsmith

Liner Notes

#acousticonetake #supremelyhalfassedrecording

I recorded this in my living room as I tried to work out an arrangement. I should probably try to record it properly, but this really is an instantiation of the idea I'm singing about. I was here in this moment trying to do this thing, and I will let it fly.

I've taken a small piece of @stephenwordsmith's lyric and tried to make it my own. Hope he doesn't mind. The chorus is mine. The rest of it I ripped from his poem (except for the parenthetical stuff).


It’s only one
It’s not the only one
It’s only only one
So let it go:

The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long
The shush of records broken on the promise of a song
(and then the song)
The flicker of a line that leaps and falters just as fast
The sputter of a first light that could never hope to last

It’s only one
It’s not the only one
It’s only only one
So let it shine

(And) once again (yes!) set your soul into the sparks that fly
To burden them with bursts of life, to burn alive and die

It’s only some
They’re not the only ones
They’re only only some
So let ‘em fly

To help us find the fortitude to fall and rise again
For it’s hard to start a fire in the rain


First things first - great song, and you absolutely owned it.

It goes to show that no single lyric can perfectly approach or encapsulate a topic, or a feeling, or a certain je ne sais quoi that touches the head, heart, stomach and fists... it's one of infinite combinations of words (or sequencing of these words, or a decision to leave some or all of the words on the cutting rom floor). Your rearrangement is subtle and your own additions are terse, but what a transformation. It's less a nod to adversity and more a love note to inspiration itself and the preciousness of every spark (of inspiration). It took until the old title drop at the end to remind me that, yes, there was source material for this lyric. It worked well but the song was by no means reliant on it.

Your melody, chords and guitarwork are like a warm oasis in light autumn rain, and an absolute treat to listen to. Lowers the blood pressure nicely, thank you. Although that might be the espresso wearing off.
Very meta, very cool. Feels like a natural evolution of the song. Indeed, by interjecting a very simple chorus between Stephen’s lines you’re kind of getting to something at the heart of the original lyrics (or at least that’s how it feels to me). It definitely deepens and makes richer the ever-expanding Hard To Start A Fire Universe, which feels like a good thing. Beautifully done.
Interesting diverging path from the original lyrics. I really like how the vocal rhythms and volume build and recede. Cool!
A very different and daring use of part of those wonderful lyrics by @stephenwordsmith but you've made it your own and is another welcome addition to the growing canon of interpretations...
this is an interpretation of this song that could only arrive via your voice -- patient and mellow and gently encouraging.
Really nice adaptation of the original lyric. Beautiful chords here! Almost like 70s singer/songwriter stuff. Vocals sound tender and filled with melancholy. I particularly like the "fly, fly, fly."
stephen's song is getting so big that it is breaking into pieces. i like the way you picked up a few of them and fashioned them into the most original interpretation (so far) of the lyric.
I agree with @mahtowin and I love the line from @gerrybhoy about pointing a microphone at you. I want to see that. I, too, love your oh so original and refreshing song interpretations. I feel like I should be ordering a coffee or a cocktail or something. And that lyric from @stephenwordsmith ”hard to start a fire in the rain” is such a shot to the moon and back, generating so many versions.
I am always enchanted by the way you interpret your songs!
I listen carefully and feel the text more than I understand everything... and understanding something doesn't necessarily have anything to do with words!

Sung wonderfully tenderly and carefully. I like how you play with the volume of your voice and the little stops make listening even more interesting!

Stephen's poetry is wonderfully confident and powerful!

Very nicely done!
Mesmorizing. Quiet beautiful, I would so love to sit and point microphones at you, great performance, you make the most of every syllable in every lyric, I loved it 😄