
by @wondertruly


Liner Notes

#singersongwriter #acousticonetake #grief #family

My dad texted me earlier today to tell me my grandma is in the hospital with severe blood clots in her lungs. He said, "She needs to forgive you before she transitions," and asked me to send her a text opening the door.


I don’t know how to distill what I’m feeling into something palatable
It should have instilled some kind of feeling in me when I heard you’re in the hospital

Blood clotted in your lungs, it’s not looking good
Blood tying us together, once I understood

Once upon another lifetime
Before I knew my name
You and grandpa granted me
A haven where I could be safe

I don’t know how to distill five years of silence in a song
And I still just can’t define why it’s gone on so long

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb
Blood, all the ways you sacrificed for what you think is true

But once upon another lifetime
The memories tipped in sunlight
You and grandpa made me so sure I’d never once question if you loved me
From the condo to the treehouse, to the keys of my first car
Playing Tetris, losing Scrabble, pretty marbles in a jar
Once upon another lifetime
Before I took it too far for you
For you

I don’t know how to distill what I’m feeling into something that means anything to you
I don’t know how to fulfill your expectations for what I, with my one precious life, should do

Blood clotted in your lungs, I don’t know what to say
Blood tying us together, is there time for us to find a way

Once upon another lifetime, you held me when I cried
You and grandpa taught me just how easy it is to be kind
But I was just a kid, now I’m not
It breaks your heart to know I don’t believe in god
But if there’s room in this lifetime, I’d like to to try to start again
If you can try again
Can we try again?


This made me tear up. Kudos to you for writing something so raw yet so complete while you're in the midst of loss. Families are definitely complicated. I love how this came out, and I hope she heard you.
Lovely message. Now you're grown, don't believe in god, maybe too much for her to take, but your message is clear. Here's to clearing the air. Guitar sweet while strong, as is your voice.
Beautiful voice, beautiful, classic progression, about a hard topic. I wish you and your family well through everything.
i had to stop the song after the first lines because i feared it would be too heartbreaking for me to take. but after some minutes, i started it over and i am so glad i did. as my wife lay dying i wished i could have written a song as good as this to sing to her. you open your heart in this song and it is overwhelming in its depth of feeling, being able to say so much that you wanted to say. it is a beautiful song with vistas of precious memories and regretted failings.
this is beautiful and so full of deep meaning and heart wrenching. Deeply personal but also relatable to so many. gentle performance with soothing vocals.
Lovely guitar/vocals.. I did something similar to that right before my grandmother died and she loved it! I was so happy I'd done that while she was still here.