Hurts Better Walking

by @newukenewyork


Liner Notes

“Hurts Better Walking” - #fawm 50/90 2024 original song 23

This week, besides the FAWM 50/90, I’m also participating in @sarahspencermusic ‘s #songfancy #5in5songchallenge to write 5 songs in 5 days. Today is Day 2 / Song 2.

I already had the title in my notebook because my back hurts this week (but feels better when I’m walking), but no lyrics, and this song is not about back pain. Wrote them on the subway this morning and then went to work, then finished the song a few minutes ago. I used the musical prompt to ask the universe for the perfect note by starting out melody first, then figuring out the chords. The lyrical prompt was to write with a one-word chorus. My choice, as you’ll hear, was “You” but I allowed a repeat. 😅

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter


You were everything that kept me going
That was my mistake
Cause when you left, I fought, fled, froze
Went catatonic state
Thought I might just die in stasis
Nothing left, nowhere to be
But I can not fucking lie here
With these memories
It's just the pain keeps popping
But it hurts better walking

When there's no more

I got tired of the consolation
Best to make it move
Under house arrest, no more constellations
Overhead, refused
To give in to the hope that tickled
No, I leaned in to despair
But you cannot build a muscle
If you won’t tear
Feels worse to sit, no stopping
It hurts better walking

There's no more

Now we don't talk anymore
You keep rocking up at other doors
With other people on your arm
How can you seem so sure?

Kills me to be still or halting,
It hurts better walking

Since there's no more

It hurts better walking


Love this one...getting old has it it's ups & downs and pain. Great contract in the melody/beat with the line "It's just the pain keeps popping" You are having a great 5090!!!!!!
You have a wonderful voice, Nice lyrics and it flows together very nicely. Well done.
"it hurts better walking" - I love that line, it really sums up life for many of us from thirty onwards!
Picked this to review because of the title--my legs hurt all the time, it seems. I still try and get my 10,000 steps in every day, but that's becoming a struggle. And now my girlfriend is "shaming" me into rejoing the gym I was in before Covid. Sigh... Sorry about your back by the way. The nice thing about songwriting is that you can mostly sit down for it. Love the song! ❤️
super song and the one word chorus works well . The title is a great hook too.
Always a treat to see and hear you! Interesting influence - as a personal trainer who works with folks with back pain (and occasionally suffers myself) I get it!
And what you've turned that influence into is achingly lovely. Wow!
Oof, that first verse hits right out of the gate. Very powerful word choice throughout. So good!!
those two long verses give original picutres of the heartbreak state, i also like the bridge with that phrase "rocking up" that contrasts the heartbreakers action with the walking death of the heartbroken, the jolly music leaves the impression that this state of stasis is not a permanent one.
I love the title line. Another solid song here. Well done!
I feel your pain. My back feels better walking too. I have turned my back pain into a song though. Good job! The theme of active resistance is a good one. Better to not stay stuck! Nice uke tone and good vocal melody.