I Don't Talk to People on Purpose

by @kc_

Skirmish: I Don't Talk to People on... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#challenge #needsmusic #needscollab


I Don’t Talk to People on Purpose

I really don’t have much to say
Sorry I am not from here
Pardon me, then I’m on my way
They might help, over there

I don’t talk to people on purpose
In my head, busy with myself
Just makes life easier
Social skills on a shelf

Sunglasses are great
Drawn shades for my eyes
Dud buds for my ears
It’s like I’m a spy

Head down with a street stare
All the shoes walking away
Just an average every day guy
With nothing to say

I don’t talk to people on purpose
In my head, busy with myself
Just makes life easier
Social skills on a shelf

Don’t have the time for chitting or chat
Once in a while nod and a smile
If we were singing it all sounds like scat
Guess it’s been like this for a while

I don’t talk to people on purpose
In my head, busy with myself
Just makes life easier
Social skills on a shelf

Things might be different
If I took some time
Slow down a bit
Step out of the grind
Maybe look up at the leaves on the trees
Step out from behind the screen
And the avatar deceives

I don’t talk to people on purpose
In my head, busy with myself
Just makes life easier
Social skills on a shelf

Maybe I should take them down
Try them on and walk around


I love that line I don’t talk to people on purpose. I like the idea of setting it in 3/4 time even though the rest of the lyrics feel like they are in a different meter. Maybe that line is the truth telling in the line - and somehow telling someone this antisocial thing is intimate like waltzing together.
I can so totally relate here, love the images, especially the chorus. Great skirmish.
I love your title, it grabbed me first off. I can relate to the title as at the moment so of course the lyrics grabbed me afterwards. This lyric is so very singable, may I put some music to this? :)
„Social skills on a shelf,“ I love that line! I’ve definitely had phases of life where this was relatable. I used to put on sunglasses and pretend nobody could see me so I didn’t have to interact.
yeah i like this, i have my armour on when i feel like it, seems to scare people from conversation! being the most extroverted introvert! i really get this. nice one.
A great take on the prompt, I like the bridge too. The chorus is very catchy too
I like the street manners angle on the topic. Lots of knowing detail. Nice reveal in the bridge.