The Search

by @marthie · @billwhite51


Bill White

he had never seen a star
the sky was too high and dense
But he was content
Beneath the empty sky
his world made sense

The one night
the sky opened
And he saw stars
pressing in on him
moving out from him
the starry night stared at him

and his world made no sense
his life made no sense
he had no place
in this universe of stars
he stopped working
he stopped sleeping
he sat underneath the stars
without speaking

People thought he had gone crazy
Or maybe he was just plain lazy
He was no good to anybody or anything
Every night he sat beneath the stars
The first one in this valley
To search for meaning


Lovely song. The layers of piano and voice are exquisite. Such a thought provoking lyric about life and meaning.
Marthie has created a perfectly soft piano bed for those poignant lyrics. Her vocal control and phrasing is delicate but emotive. The music is but never in front thus allowing the listener to be hypnotized by each word. Wonderful collab.
So emotive and the vocals and piano give such a yearning quality. Bill's lyrics are so poignant and I love the musical setting. Brilliant.
Beautiful piano work and approach to the lyrics overall, goes so well with the theme. Lyrics paint a picture here (for me it's a cowboy) that awakens, especially like the lines about how everyone was confused and just called him crazy / lazy, yet there is still something there they don't see.
So delicately and deftly a rendition of such a heartrending exquisite combination of both rare talents...
Wow, such a sensitive and moving performance of these gorgeous lyrics. I love the melody and slightly more driving rhythm on the "his world made so sense" section. Fantastic and compelling storytelling -- calls to mind both a modern city-dweller venturing out past the light pollution for the first time, and also the first pre-human to look up and wonder about life, the universe and everything, or the first philosopher. Fantastic collab!
Another set of lyrics by Bill that has me scratching my head (in a good--if puzzled--way). I've written several "star themed' songs over the years and did one a couple days ago that I haven't posted yet called "Stars In My Eyes" which has the usual "I love you, you love me, aren't stars purty?" lyrics--and then Bill comes along with this song that is NOTHING like anything I've ever written. (Which is why I'm his #1 Fan). I'm also Marthie's #1 fan--as she knows. Sigh... Love it when 2 of my Faves collaborate! ❤️
Sensitively backed, sensitively and feelingly sung, and a lyric that makes one stop and think. Bill, keep the lyrics flowing. marthie, just lovely.
(Personal bit. As eyes deteriorated, I discovered I could no longer see the wonder of the Outback stars without glasses; and how wonderful cataract surgery was in bringing them back to me a decade later. I was probably no good either then! So this resonates, but I think it would resonate regardless.)
So magical and hypnotic. Very beautiful song. Sounds like a showtune. Soothing and reflective. Love the gentle piano, gorgeous vocals and singing each phrase with pausing, giving the chance to the listener to get the meaning of every word, phrase and the symbolic meaning of the life.
very clever lyric, pretty deep plenty of layers to did through! and course Marthie delivers it so gently and on point!
Great lyrics and storytelling! I especially love “beneath the empty sky his world made sense.” Unfortunately the video is set to “private” so I can’t hear the musical version.