Lapel Pins (You Loved Country Before Country Was Cool)

by @freshspotlessyouth

Liner Notes

When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men (Matthew 6:5-8).

So, for the first time in a while, I have time and the house to myself. On the other hand, I don't have anything but a guitar and an iphone, so I'm sitting in my living room having a good time. I guess this could be made longer, but it feels like a complete song to me. (Okay, I redid this evening, rolling it around three times, so it's a little longer, if that counts.)


You loved country before country was cool
You prayed in your room so none would know
You loved country before country was cool
So why talk about it now?
Is love not enough?

You loved country before country was cool
So why talk about it?
Now is love not enough?

(I actually say "ere," but there's time to add the extra syllable and not sound like a poetry twat.)


Another song that says so much with so little! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Except for God. Classic. 👏
That iPhone recording's very good: I like the neat zings on the strings.
Mellow and lilting and, as @coolparadiso says, so conversational it feels intimate and immediate. It feels grounded and thoughtful, like we're sitting in the park on a summer day, discussing the mysteries of the world.
I love short songs. And the biblical reference happens to be one of my favorites. And the whole message here. Who cares what's cool? Is love not enough?
Lovely mood, sharp lyric. Nice mix of vocals. No "poetry twat" here!
This feels as others have mentioned complete and doesn’t need anything else. Short and sweet and on point
I agree that this feels complete as is. Love the round treatment of this. Great, spare storytelling -- I love the contrast between the bragging about liking music before it was cool, but not wanting anyone to know that you're praying.
One of life’s great philosophical quandaries here. I love the choice to do the round (by that you mean the sections run into each other?). Frankly you could keep it going like that for another couple of turns and I don’t think anyone would mind. I also like the ‘ere’- for me it adds a note of ancient mystery rather than poetry twatiness. Nice job!
Your song is like it’s message: simple, sweet, and from the heart.
Poetry twats is a good band name. This was short but very sweet. You expressed quite a bit in a short time. Hell ya!
it sound like you just think and deliver. its like conversation. works for me in snippets like this.
It really stands out because it is short. When it's done, it's done. Excellent!