Red/Blue Rubber Ball

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

I just made this one up as I went along.


Red rubber ball with legs
runs from the foot
that kicks it

Blue rubber ball with arms
breaks the hand
that throws it


That bass propels the song along with vigor, and, I'm sure deliberately, the bounce of the tone certainly evokes the titular rubber balls. Like a dance hoedown is a an abstractly surreal alternate dimension! Very fun!
Love the short three lines and the huuba huuba buildup background vocal.
Prior to experiencing this cornucopia of pyschedelia I was just thinking of getting out the melodica.
This is so cool. It makes me think of someone bouncing many balls in a juggling fashion. I get a feeling of tense energy. I like it!
and there was i thinking you always did :-) i think i had a ball like that! banging bass!
The bass is super cool! Keeps the lyrics bouncing throughout the song. That's how I write most lyrics. I used to write lyrics first, identify the rhyme scheme, count the syllables, ad nauseum. But I couldn't come up with music that worked. So, for me, it's best to create the music first and fit the lyrics in as I go.
This sounds playful! Like the bass, the guitar and the melodica play with each other and you are commenting their game!
The whole song has a joyfull rubber ball feeling!