15. waves // deeper

by @knobbyneggins815


Liner Notes

Final track for Memory Ln., a somber little excursion through nostalgia and out into an uncertain future.

Making a project about memories, and history, and hazy summer nights, I naturally gravitated to thoughts of my late father. I never really processed those feelings through music, because it was out of my life at the time, and it's been slow going to get it back. There will always be more, but this track is about him and all he's given me.

As far as history goes, this track is, technically, VERY old. Long story short (and I'm sure a future project may process this), the piano progression/melody in the chorus is based off of a very old track (like I'm talking a decade old) that I did nothing with. I think I have a recording of it for an old album, but it's not online anywhere so this is kind of it's debut. It's poignant to me that it grew to be a part of this project, and close off this portion of my life, while setting up the next chapter.

Memory Ln. is the first part of a trilogy of albums that were conceived to get me back into music. FAWM '24 REALLY saved me, and made me ACTUALLY write music without second-guessing while being this interim project that got me back into a creative groove, but as of now, I need to finish these projects before I can move on to new things. Memory Ln. has been largely done, albeit unfinished and rough, for a long time, and the next two parts have almost entirely been conceptual until now. I'm very excited to get working on them in earnest.

I've always had problems with being vulnerable and writing music blatantly about myself. Prior to 2021 I almost exclusively made concept albums. Because I'm a nerd, and had some unprocessed trauma and misery, I made it a point to have my next project (which turned into three) to be....like...actual songs. Not tangentially about me through the lens of sci-fi bullshit or a false narrative, but to like....just make music.

Anyways, long rant over! Let's move on!

May 7th, 2023


Verse 1:
The breeze will caress
Your home upon the hillside.
The words, carved and pressed,
They trace the path of laugh lines,

And God only knows
If we did all for nothing.
Those names on the stone,
They gotta count for something.

Pre-Chorus 1:
I'll keep on the lights
Even when I am gone,
Even though that I know that
You won't be coming home.

Verse 2:
The sand on the path,
It can only leave an outline.
It shapes and reacts,
Like a knife that cuts the coastline.

The tides, they will return,
And they'll do the same tomorrow,
So we've had to learn
To resist the urge to follow.

Chorus 1:
No one took your place within my heart.
I promised that I'd wait, and here we are.
Deeper than the dark between the stars.

Verse 3:
Here come the waves
To bury my ambitions.
The oceans will fade,
But you can't erase decisions.

I'll find you again,
When the winter is behind us.
The pain may relent,
But I won't forget your kindness.

Pre-Chorus 2:
I'll turn down the street
Where we used to live,
And I'll recount all the things that you taught me,
When you were here.

Chorus 2:
(One Day)

I'll meet you in the House on the Hill.
I loved you then, and I always will.
Colder than the night I chose to live.


Oh, wow, this is gorgeous. So many beautiful, poignant lines, but that CHORUS lyrics, especially the first chorus. Oof. So beautiful. Love when your vocals go up higher, and the ocean sounds work really beautifully with the lovely piano progression.