by @ttg105


Liner Notes

#cowcore #cowbell

Complaining about cell phones is like shooting the proverbial fish in a barrel, but I don't like seeing babies and dogs ignored!

@odilongreen's cowbell song inspired me to give the cowbell a go.


Mary pushing Jan in a pram
not paying attention
Baby Jan lifts up her head and
screams,"Get the fuck off the phone"

Get the fuck off of the phone
For a second, just leave it alone
Get the fuck off of the phone
Just fucking leave it alone

Joe walking his dog Rover
not paying attention
Rover turns around and
barks,"Get the fuck off the phone"

Woof woof!

Paul Pennyfeather playing a song
Audience not paying attention
Paul steps up to the mic and says
"Everyone, get the fuck off the phone"


I'm somewhat frightened and I will try to be better. This is a total rocker. The bass/drum groove is awesome. The chorus, the repeated GTFOTP, is killer. The the thing is a masterpiece of playful mayhem, and catchy AF. You drop a stick of dynamite into that barrel
Great listen. My daughter posts pictures of her kids many times a day, and it causes bizarre reactions from others in my family.
Envy, blind following, excessive adulation, various ooohs and aaahs, and for me, a feeling that those kids are going to grow up and look back at the sheer volume of pictures, some with private parts and bare bottoms (although to be fair the pix of the kids in this state are when they're 1 or less) and have the same reaction: Stop fucking taking pictures of me!
So, as usual, PPenny~ has got me thinking, and who knows what crazed direction it'll send me off to. Thanks. And the instrumentation is good. The phase shifter and drums sets the mood for the wholesome melodica. The bass brings one back to the 80's. The chaos guitar charges along like an ADHD rhino on a massive dose of meth, then goes into the electric lobotomy circuit wavery and deep deep deep thing, leading to the final squinky squirting squirk.
ha ha that pennyfeather is a trouble maker. but oh boy i so often want to say this!
I do think of that when one of my cats is on my lap. They definitely want my attention and not a device, Feel so sorry for children whose parents are consumed with their devices and not prioritizing the kids. Why have kids then? You definitely get your point across.
This phrase needs to be popularized, if only to empower shy people to express the sentiments they are feeling. And to take it further, following the course of the song, dogs should be encuraged to bark it and babies should be encouraged to cry it. The telephone may be the greatest threat to human intelligence and may well be the cause of its exrinction.
So many „fucks“ in this song! 😃 i love it!
Great chaos guitar! Love the barking and that crazy end punk like end! But overheard the cowbell 🤔
Cool song!
Great rock energy here! That bass line and those pounding drums propel this forward with terrific, punky aggression. The chorus is so catchy, and *all* the lyrics are an absolute "yes." I'm sure this would be a huge singalong hit at a live concert (especially with that last verse)!

Also, thank you for your #cowbell service.
Should be the National Anthem - and yeah, what song doesn't sound better with a cowbell.