The Inevitable Fate of Violence

by @lamerabbit · @essahumans

Liner Notes

This collab started from the forum "Lyricists Needing Love" thread started by @timfatchen in which @florian mentioned @essahumans .

So I checked and picked and asked. Here's the outcome. Tried something different I usually do. The drums were - and actually everything was -inspired a bit by the game reference but why it would really makes sense is a question I have no answer to. At least I did not just repeat myself and tried something different.

I am not a fan of the distortion on the thing playing the part of the "kick drum" but decided to leave it. Not hating it either.

This came quickly asbthe lyrics were really easy to work with. Except the last line that I winged.

From @essahumans:
#dark #videogamemusic

these lyrics are inspired by an indie game, called "Hotline miami"
a simple fun game, tells a story of a protagonist, who is a normal citizen receiving unknown calls from unknown group call them selves ,"Patriots'" , threating him, to go and eliminate gangs, while guiding him to their location, the story continues to show no matter how justified his violence is, it took toll on his mind, turning his whole world into undying nightmare, yes our humanity can not comply with violence, this is the strong truth
#dark #videogamemusic


The phone rings and rings
Calls from unknown
Telling him to rise

His bat swings and swings
To hit every goon
feeling so nice

In a city ruled by fear
He thinks,
He only needs power

In a land ruled by gangs
He believes,
Killing is the only answer

In a city ruled by fear
He thinks,
He only needs power

His mind splits and splits
New voices, born
After every bloodshed

His world, bits, by bits
Becomes shattered
Ghosts sharing his bed

In a city ruled by fear
He thinks,
He only needs power

In a land ruled by gangs
He believes,
Killing is the only answer

In a city ruled by fear
He thinks,
He only needs power

In a land ruled by gangs
He believes,
Killing is the only answer

In a city ruled by fear
He thinks,
He only needs power

In a land ruled by gangs
He believes,
Killing is the only answer

Yes, he chose
the inevitable fate of violence


This is cool. Chorus is a standout!
Thank you for this beautiful collaboration, so happy you took an inspiration from the game unique soundtracks, believe it or not, i become more curious about trying this game, while browsing video games soundtracks, and found that this game has millions of views, so its music was one of main attraction points,

Thanks again Lame Rabbit, it is great to get introduced yet to another unique talent :)

Best of luck
Wow, the vocals are like actors playing out the story with power and passion. To me the whole style of this composition just works so well.
Yay! So happy my post helped bring this to life. 👍This should have been the original soundtrack of the game.