When I Get Back From Heaven

by @freshspotlessyouth


Liner Notes

Since I'm not really a musician or songwriter, I grab any slim idea and keep working it until I run out of steam. This is essentially the first song I posted, but not. Both are #1chordprogression songs. How would I tag it? Dan Bejar used to say that Destroyer played #europeanblues. That made no sense to me, so I'll use the tag here.


You have to start somewhere
And right here is somewhere
And right now is what I know
When I get back from Heaven
Maybe then I’ll be better
But right now is what I know

It’s too early to quit
Too late to start
I’m so fucking sick of breaking my own heart
It’s too early to quit
Too late to start
Let’s see what the next life holds

It’s too early to start
Too late to quit
I’m so fucking tired of thinking this is it
It’s too early to start
Too late to quit
Let’s see what the next life holds

When I get back from Heaven
Maybe then I’ll know better
Maybe then I’ll know what I know
I’ll make sense of the present
In this new light of presence
For now this is what I know

It’s too early to quit
Too late to start
I’m so fucking sick of breaking my own heart
It’s too early to quit
Too late to start
Let’s see what the next life holds


Interesting song. Unusual lyrics that really work. The guitar has an interesting vibe and the overall effect is terrific!
That is a killer line in a great, got me thinking, hook.

"I’m so fucking sick of breaking my own heart"

Sorry but I think that is beautiful : )

I read the liner notes.
Your humility is a rare quality in this day of who shouts loudest. Good write a keeper methinks.
Really like the choruses lyrically and your double tracked vocals (?) very much what would I think of as classic FSY fare.
Dig this
I think your music, your voice and this song are lovely exactly where they are. It’s a heck of a message in the lyrics, and the instrumentals are simple, but sweet.
Yep, do what you do, and that's it. It's no good to pretend you're not where you are, and who you are.
Haven't I already compared you to Rodolphe Burger and Kat Onoma? I'm getting a vibe that reminds me of theirs when I listen to this song, although your vocal style is different. I enjoy their stuff a lot, and Burger's solo work even more.
Glad you didn't fail to grab the slim idea that resulted in this lovely song.
Oh, I like this. It makes me think of songs from mixed tapes. Somehow it captures a mash up of feelings from listening to the Smiths, the Bronsky Beat, James, Big Audio Dynamite 2, and a bunch of other seemingly unrelated groups. At the same time it feels grown up. Like the things that seemed emphatically true then have shifted. From absolutist teenagers to relativist middleagers.
yeah the chorus turns it inside out! that guitar holds it so well! one of those songs that is clear to me but might be different clear to others! its good man
I definitely feel that although you revisit some of the words and tune from your first song of the season here, the result is two unique songs with continuity from one to the other. the first leaning heavily into (a quite beautiful) metaphor and this current one exploring a more philosophical aspect conjured by that same couplet, "It's too early to quit/Too late to start".
Love "That made no sense to me, so I'll use the tag here." Really good lyrics, particularly "I’m so fucking sick of breaking my own heart," and the electric guitar/drum combo sounds good. Great idea for a song by the way ... "Let's see what the next life holds."
That chorus... so perfect, it says so much so well. The whole song has a gloriously melancholic feel, and is absolutely lovely. But in terms of wisdom and melody and grace, I think any songwriter anywhere would be envious.
Brilliant chorus. and the rest of it is right up there with the rest. I like the idea and how you stick with it throughout, not branching out into related subjects noe pontificating on the ramifications of the idea. the guitar sound seems new to me and your vocals are just as wonderful as ever.
Clever lyrics - I totally get the sentiment today. Nice beat, guitar and, of course, the vocals. ;)