
by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#bass #chaosguitar

For those who don't know, Abe Vigoda was an American actor famous for his portrayal of the world-weary Fish on "Barney Miller." He was also in "The Godfather" and lots of other films.


In North Dakota
a signed photo of Abe Vigoda
made the rounds of the dry
cleaners and diners

He wrote, "To all the folks of North Dakota
best wishes from Abe Vigoda"

So get in your motor
and stop in for a soda
or a donut a roll or a


Love that glitchy percussion.
And as always, that round bass sound.
Nice effects on the vocals.
This is really catchy.
Now that I've just read the other comments, I too am petitioning for a dance to go with this.
You could call it "The Fish".
Yeah, that guitar rocks for sure.
Excellent work, as usual.
Abe is very efficient, able to extend his greetings to the entire state with a few strokes. That made me laugh. I feel that there should be a dance for this one. Maybe you could choreograph something for the video. I'm ready to roll a muffin, for sure, 'cause this rocks!
Sitting here and very much enjoying the fuzz guitar freakout that underpins this one. VERY much, in fact. Splendid stuff, sir. I had to Google Mr Vigoda just now, because although the name was familiar I had no idea who he was. Soon as I saw his picture, my reaction was "Oh, THAT guy!" What a nice tribute to one of the industry's most distinctive faces.
He seems to be a man with a great taste of humor especially in case of his death … seems he died many times😃

Great song - worth listening! Love the chaos guitar and the multiple shouting voices!
great bass and drum . really catchy number. one of my favs. and i love the lyric concept. ive been into those diners often witj a photo. and signature.
Ha! Never would have thought of rhyming Abe Vigoda and North Dakota! Hilarious! Love that catchy beat! Perfect for “The Jerk” dance craze - lol!
bass sounds cool up front like this. the bass line and bass drum make it the kind of song that could start a new dance craze.