Absent friend (imaginationeer)

by @marthie

There is no demo for this song.


Absent friend (imaginationeer)

v1. I am the absent friend
who studies all the time
who studies all the time
academically - when you want to have
tea or coffee

ch: when do you want tea or coffee?
because you know you will be having it
without me…

v2. I am the absent friend
who always forgets your birthday
always forgets your birthday
wish that everybody could grow older
the same day…

ch: when do you want tea or coffee?
because you know you will be having it
without me…(or I’ll just be late!)

b: life is cruel
life is cool
I get all these new ideas
I’m an imaginationeer
but people all around
kind of expect you to focus on
this day, and time, and place!!!
(That’s kinda a tall call…
so won’t you rather tell me…)

ch: when do you want tea or coffee?
because you know you will be having it
without me…(or I’ll just drop in- we’ll see…)


The "a-ha…" was stirring in my brain, coming to life. I like the chorus ending with that.