It's Our Call

by @paul_pedersen · @kristi

It's Our Call
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

I was lucky enough to raise my hand first to have a chance to do the music. This adds to my collection of songs with Kristi McKeever as lyricist.

Apologies - I'm about twenty years past hitting some of the notes I put in the song. Try your best to imagine it with singer who can reach those notes without sounding strained.


I hear a crackling, I see the trees sway
The breeze moves us all, reminds us to play
Let's start at hello, with joy for the task
Let's meet in the middle, we'll make the fun last

And it's all for us and for us all
Every day, it's our call
Sit or roam, rise or fall
Bring it home, it's our call

The win is a feeling, a laugh or a cry
A heart to heart shuffle, the brown in your eyes
So clap for enjoying a simple exchange
We learn by doing on the day's stage

And it's all for us and for us all
Every day, it's our call
Sit or roam, rise or fall
Bring it home, it's our call

With a sky full of colour
And a breeze to keep cool
We're here for mere moments
What will we do?

And it's all for us and for us all
Every day, it's our call
Sit or roam, rise or fall
Bring it home, it's our call


Nice rousing chorus, I can imagine a crowd singing along with that one. I like the message of the song and the delivery (it sounded fine to me!)

"We're here for mere moments, what will we do?" is prompting me to go outside and do something away from the computer now :).
Very beautiful song and collaboration. No apologies are needed, Paul. It sounds so lovely and magical. Very enjoyable song to listen to. You are a fantastic team!
Hey, another listen and I am enjoying the ebb and flow of the melody. Very uplifting with how your vocal opens up in the chorus and is softer in the bridge. I can envision the bustling of on swings...people doing what makes them happy. A happy song! Thanks again for bringing my lyric to life!
Lovely, lovely lyrics by Kristi and--as he knows--I ALWAYS love Paul's interpretations thereof. Very nice collaboration, you two! ❤️
“It’ s our call.” I love the feeling you put into this. It stopped me in my tracks. Wonderful lyric by Kristi with added magic because of Paul’s moving delivery.