Skyborne (part 2)

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #soundscape #cinematic #partwork
I'm still not sure where this "story" is taking me, but I'm enjoying the ride. 😁


That metallic grunginess and shivery goodness trading places is really cool. After 2 minutes it's like a storm has gathered and we change viewpoints from the cloud overhead to the people who haven't yet felt it's fury. Foreboding ending that somehow also manages to be understated. Very engaging!
That return-and-fade metallic sound in the first section is great, and foreboding as hell! The next section - the intricate work followed by the orchestral purpose - very nice too. Feels very “storytelly”. Epic too.
The phasing in and out in the first ten seconds is SO cool! I love the percussive attack of a lot of these instruments. This remains sonically interesting throughout. Great work!
Ohh, liking the more distorted than a distorted thing, thing. A bit menacing, foreboding. Then the music indicates that the menacing is about to reveal itself, the dark arises! 😱
Much more sci-fi than the fantasy I was ‘spectin. Cool. Very cyberpunk (it’s how I relate now!). Groovy.