Don't Make Sense

by @brisk

Liner Notes

I thought I'd better upload something to stop falling so behind, rather than having anything properly finished. The amount of cheating that took place to make the guitar part sound even this mediocre was phenomenal! Just wanted to get my first pessimistic environmental collapse song on the board, can't believe I've left it this long. Words need to be better, but I just had to go with something.

The drums in the overtly Sabbathy opening bit need to be better, I feel like they are missing the point, but maybe I'll tinker with them later and improve them. Can't be bothered now.

[edit: added the "toilet strain" moment just before the verse riff kicks in because it was fun and seemed genre-appropriate]

#heavy #rock #riffy #environment


lose ground on the burial mound
on the burial mound
we inherited/found

retreat from the waters so brown
watch the waters so brown
as the weaker ones drown

climb high on the ones who first die
on the ones who first die
we can keep our feet dry

join hands on the last of land
on the last of the land
we can make a last stand

It don't make sense to me
You don't make sense to me

Stay calm when our house is on fire
when our house is on fire
We can find a new buyer

It don't make sense to me
You don't make sense to me


Heavy as heck, with the tempo changes doing a great job grabbing the listener's attention. And when it gets going, this absolutely ROCKS! An invigorating punch to the face, this was energizing and had me head-banging along. I gather from your liner notes that you're not totally satisfied, and obviously you should make such changes as you see fit, but this really is pretty darn fist-pumping right now!
Well that’s picked up momentum! Surprised me out of the blocks, yeah very sabbathy guitar! Great rock song! Great listen, going on my drive list.
I just involuntarily turned the volume up on that intro. A Good Sign. The toilet straining (perhaps resulting in the brown waters later on?) is frickin’ inspired and so very rock n roll. Main riffage is very very tasty too. Whatever tinkering you’ve done has all been worth it - sounds very tight and on point. It’s all pretty apocalyptic, the climbing on the weaker ones bit is particularly bleak. But also very zeitgeisty, sadly. Why does nothing make sense any more??!!!! Good job btw.
Yeah, that is some HEAVY ROCK! Love the long guitar intro (I remember when that was a thing--not so much any more, but we Old Folks still like it to get our graying heads a'nodding!) Great job! ❤️
the black sabbath guitar sounds perfect. and i cant find anything wrong with the lyrics. they fit right in with the music even with the vocals being in a different fact, thats what makes the song so good. the fact that you dont have to scream your head off just beccause the guitars are heavy.
Need some rock to get me going this morning! This does the trick! Builds nicely! Love the change-ups. Singing the chorus “Don’t make sense to me.” Alright!!!