Bari Blues

by @kosch

Bari Blues

Liner Notes

I started this as a bit of a #bluesy "ode to the #baritone guitar", which is fine, but somewhere along the way, I think it might have become more about #thehealingpowerofmusic - but who am I to say.

It's still rough, but I can tell, I will likely pursue this, in the interests of moving on, for the moment, and not going down a weeklong rabbit hole, here she is!

My Gretsch baritone, Fender Jag, "Franken-bass", an Apple drummer, (placeholder) vocals (through a new condenser mic that came with the Focusrite Studio - not sure I like it...but will be putting it through it's paces over the next couple months, I think)


Bari Blues
Sometimes when I'm feeling down..when I feel a little low
Sometimes I like to hang on the feeling..don't want to let it go
Don't want to let it go

Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I just need to howl,
So, I pick up there baritone...want to hear her growl.
Want to hear her growl..want to hear her growl....

Let her growl...she can growl..let her growl

Everything's better with the baritone...even the bass starts to sing
I love to pick up the baritone...and let her growl
She can growl, baby....hear her growl

Life ain't always going to take you high
Some time it leaves you low.
It's ok, if you own that shit....just pick up the baritone
Make that shit your own - make that shit your own.

Just let her growl...


This has a really cool guitar tone, and I love how your baritone voice complements the theme of the baritone guitar. The two together create such a rich, deep sound—perfect for the bluesy vibe of the track. Nice work!
That’s a big sound, great on headphones. SOunds like a whole lot of fun playing these tracks.
Dammit, as soon as I heard that opening riff, my thoughts were "Whoa - I NEED one of those!" Those lyrics don't lie: what an incredible tone...
You definitely brought the growl with this one! It reminds me a bit of New York era Lou Reed - it rocks hard and low and the vocals are in your face both aurally and emotionally. Nice work! I've been contemplating getting a baritone guitar for a while now and your song is another argument in favor.
I like the sound of a baritone guitar. Nice ode to her growl, and playing with the "low mood"/"low tone" idea. I feel like I should be enjoying this in a dark bar room but it's 9am here so I won't do that :).
Shades of Lou Reed... Sweet Jane! To me it feels like a ' let's get down and dirty and let it all hang out the way rock and roll used to be' kinda song. And that's a good thing!
The muse goes where it wants! Guitar saves the world! Worst answers I reckon! Nice rocky song and that guitar could save lots of things.
I like the vibe! Makes me want to dance with a beer in my hand and I don't drink beer - lol!