How Do They See Me

by @rocketgrrrl

Skirmish: Camera Ready (@atornberg)
How Do They See Me

Liner Notes

#skirmish #garageband #flute #girlwithpiano #queer

This is for the Camera Ready skirmish. I grabbed the prompt as I got on my plane, and had the lyrics, melody, and harmony written down an hour later, when I landed.

The playing and recording were awkward as usual when I'm on travel, done in Garageband (not my usual environment!), using the on-screen piano and my real life flute (it's portable) and the iPad mic.

This one comes from a tough place. I suspect it's sadly familiar to many.


How Do They See Me
Jemma Kline

Check your brows,
Check your hair,
Check the color and the tightness of the clothing that you wear.
Touch of gloss,
Touch of blush,
When you’re walking, keep your head high, stand up straight, and never rush

How do they see me?
What do they see?
I know I’m smiling
Each time I sing,
But I’ll never truly know what they perceive.

Say hello,
Say it clear.
Say you’re just so glad they all could find a way to join you here.
Little smile,
Little laugh.
And make sure that no one learns of when you’re scared or when you’re sad.

How do they see me?
What do they see?
I know I’m smiling
Each time I sing,
But I’ll never truly know what they perceive.

(flute bridge)

How do they see me?
What do they see?
I know I’m smiling
Each time I sing,
But I’ll never truly know what they perceive.


Well expressed truth of performing. It's a risk but can also be fun and/or satisfying and/or pay the bills. Learned long ago that there's a difference between being a musician and being an entertainer. Sometimes they mesh, often they don't. May we all find happiness on our journeys.

I'm only 13 days late with mine. Have a listen or don't as you like:
Totally felt my way through that. (Even as a man who's not using makeup.) The show and act you put on when you're performing a role. Then I realized that if I already feel this, how much harder must it be if you're #queer. I'm hearing this as a heartfelt ballad, played on a piano as part of a show. Maybe like My Way at the end of a travesty show - singing while taking off makeup and accesoires and decorations to reveal the true self. Thanks for sharing.
Oof, yeah. This is incredibly relatable. Beautiful articulation of such universal feelings. Way to make it happen on the fly!
Fantastic song on the go! Were there any strange comments y onlookers. challenge nailed.
I'm in danger of the opposite these days - perhaps i care too little - but yup this is the general way things go! well observed and sung