COVID Found Me

by @phylo

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Seems at the last live show last Friday night, someone was carrying around something that she shouldn't have shared. This COVID comes in waves and I feel okay right now, thought I'd write something.

See if you can catch the movie and old novel reference.

I have some musical ideas for this, but please feel free to create music for it.
#covidblues #lyricsonly #needscollab


From hell's heart it came to me
This virus finds me finally
Isolation day by day
Nowhere left to hide away

In the shadows it has crept
Silent secrets that it kept
Though I ran and though I fought
Now it’s here that I have caught

For hate's sake I spit my breath
At this virus bringing death
From hell's heart I stab at thee
COVID’s wrath can’t conquer me

Empty streets and distant eyes
Masked faces with sad goodbyes
In my room I fight to breathe
Cursing what I can't believe

Every cough is like a knife
Takes a piece of my old life
Memories of what was free
Just before COVID captured me

For hate's sake I spit my breath
At this virus bringing death
From hell's heart I stab at thee
COVID’s wrath can’t conquer me


The lyric does sing right off the page. I especially like the vivid verb Spit - it shows the anger but also that very human urge to do exactly the worst thing.
The gift that keeps on giving...I await the next failed (?) biological warfare escape with equanimity but only because I don't have that much time left anyway. Ah the generosity of those who take care not to take care. But even so, fight--and if you can't, at least spit at it!
First of all, get well soon. I agree this is a great lyric. I can hear , and feel the rhythm in the words.
Great lyrics! You capture the struggle and frustration of dealing with COVID nicely. The references add depth, and the chorus is powerful. The imagery of isolation and the fight to breathe is vivid. Well done!