Duct Tape Dreams

by @rocketgrrrl

Duct Tape Dreams

Liner Notes

#folk #filk #scifi #girlwithpiano #flute #larp

This one for the Hollywood Science #badsongclub prompt. At least the lyrics were written in half an hour; took a while longer to get the music and the recording done.

UPDATED demo. I wanted to get a better one on this.

While walking this morning, I realized that I do #hollywoodscience all the time at my LARPs. I've been preparing for our Sci-Fi event for a while now, dreaming up new props for our spaceship crew. And I realized I pretty much do the same thing now as grownup as I did as a child, getting my friends to play make-believe on the jungle gym. Come play along too with this song.


Duct Tape Dreams
Jemma Kline

Let’s head out to the hardware store and buy some pipe and foam,
Then find a nice secluded park, where our starship crew can roam.
We’ll make blasters out of PVC, fight our friend who’s in a mask.
Grab your space suit helmet, come with me! “Believe” is all I ask.

Build a spaceship made of plastic.
Build a spaceship made of twine.
Our adventure might be tragic,
But I know we’ll get to fly.

Our captain’s wearing elven ears and claws she found online,
And our doctors got a stethoscope made of rubber tubes he tied.
We have thrusters made from coffee cans painted by our engineer
But tomorrow’s when we’re blasting off; come be a playground pioneer!

Build a spaceship made of plastic.
Build a spaceship made of twine.
Our adventure might be tragic,
But I know we’ll get to fly.

(flute bridge)

Build a spaceship made of plastic.
Build a spaceship made of twine.
Our adventure might be tragic,
But I know we’ll get to fly.


Love the title on this. My favorite line was “Our captain’s wearing elven ears and claws she found online,” really captures the cosplay/larp community for me. Very playful song.
No those are creative lyrics. I dug your delivery nice job.
This sounds sweet -- it has a "fond" air that arches over the melody and vocal tones, and it's certainly present in the lyric "I know we’ll get to fly." Which I think is due to the community of affection wondertruly mentioned. Nice way to respond to the prompt, too.
The affection in a LARP community is so real. It's wonderful seeing this represented in such a gorgeous song. I love how well you've described the DIY moxie that goes into grownups playing pretend in public.
Great title and very clever lyrics. Brings me back to my youth, gonna build me a spaceship tomorrow!