Don't Have It

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Totally Titular, Volume 2... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This one is so real, I don’t even know if half of these sentences grammatically work with the line that follows, I don’t even know if that sentence I just wrote is grammatical.


I was looking for some competency
I don’t have it
I was looking for a stroke of luck
I don’t have it
I was looking for a golden cup
I don’t have it
I was looking for a wife and kids
I don’t have it
I was looking for a future that’s bright
I don’t have it
I was looking for an interesting line
I don’t have it
I was looking for a dozen of dimes
I don’t have it
I was looking for The New York Times
I don’t have it
I was looking for breakthrough quick
I don’t have it
I was looking for a fight to pick
I don’t have it
I was looking for a place to sit
I don’t have it
I was looking for a way to win
I don’t have it
I was looking for a great success
I don’t have it
I was looking for whatever came next
I don’t have it
I was looking for a way to stop
I don’t have it


Apparently you did, in fact, find a way to stop. I like this one.
I can see this sung as a group, with call-and-response and improvised lines.
Ok but if you were looking for a record number of skirmish songs, I think you might have it? I quite like the repetition of this and if you were looking to make it into a song, you might have one