Another Night by Candlelight (@candle comments first)

by @nahlej381

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#commentsfirst #@candles-comments-only

I’m goin again! I don’t care if it takes all month, I requested a real jerk request for @candle comments first track, this song is to be his revenge upon me. I will do whatever he wants to the best of my ability.
No rules, no qualms over legality, no safe words.


I couldn't be more pleased to hear a bit of Klingon in a song!
I was drawn into this thick soundscape, but then ripped out of my reverie by the sudden chorus of psychedelic chainsaws (not sure how else to describe the sound!) that exploded midway through. A masterful segue, if I do say so myself! What artistry!

See You In The Shadows…
Didn't know you could sing opera.