Hard to Believe

by @kc_

Skirmish: Hard to Believe (@scubed)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#needsmusic #needscollab
Jut saw the prompt and the first line came and reminded of a book I read where the double cross got crossed again, and he got "porked" in the end.


Hard to Believe

Hard to believe,
god so hard to believe
I bought it all,
every touch word and deed

Played for a fool
You must love to deceive
Truly a pro, so hard to believe

Hard to believe so hard to believe
Not cupid's arrow
You drew a bead

Those locks of love
were cross hairs of greed
Truly a pro, so hard to believe

Hard to believe, so hard to believe
My dream-girl desire
Your fire I need

I got strung up
and a cut watched me bleed
Truly a pro, so hard to believe

Truly a pro, put on quite a show
So hard to believe, Hell you don't know
Bandaged my burns, track the seeds that you sown
I'm hot on your trail and you're going down...


This has a great flow to it. The rhymes make it fly off the page. And there's attitude in those descriptions. I particularly enjoyed "Those locks of love were cross hairs of greed". Well done!
"Not cupid's arrow You drew a bead" - great line! The anger and urge for vengeance come through loud and clear. Nicely done!
Ooooh, I love that fierce threat at the end. 😊

Nice tight lyric. Some fine imagery. Good take on the prompt.
There's a lot of fun rhyme in this one! "a cut watched me bleed" is a really interesting line, and I also like the way it ends -- seems like it begs for a sequel!
The disbelief at the betrayal is shown clearly in so many different ways here. Nice write.
yeah it happens somewhere somehow to most people whether in love or life generaly! well written lyric
Who can't relate to being played for a fool? Great flow too!
The phrase "cross hairs of greed" carries at least three layers of meaning. Pretty clever!