Deepest Dreams (Have Come True) / (Deepest Dreams) Have Come True

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Hard to Believe (@scubed)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

You know I’ll always say that whoever wants to take my lyric only songs and do something with them, they can, it’s not hard to believe I just won’t ever find a use for them all.


It’s hard to believe
We can do as we please
Now that our deepest dreams
Have come true

Now who’ll be the police?
To stop this ravaging
Of those who believe
That they have the right to destroy
Well it won’t be me
I’m still not used to this new way of living

It’s hard to believe
We can do as we please
Now that our deepest dreams
Have come true

When that fateful day
Or that fateful night
When they got rid of the rules
And the laws of physics
People didn’t have to walk
People didn’t have to talk
They didn’t even have to try, to keep themselves alive

It’s hard to believe
We can do as we please
Now that our deepest dreams
Have come true

But as with everything good
There’s these people
Who really really want all the power
And now they have all the power in the universe
To control everyone’s mind
And to live forever

It’s hard to believe
We can do as we please
Now that our deepest dreams
Have come true

It’s hard to believe
We can do as we please
Now that our deepest dreams
Have come true


A fascinating vision of a future...utopia? Dystopia? Careful what you wish for, right?
"When they got rid of the rules And the laws of physics" - what a great line! There's a chilling vibe to these dystopian lyrics. Very nicely done!
Disbelief certainly lends itself to this kind of dark lyric (second verse especially, I like that). I can imagine a big dramatic arrangement for this one, especially the chorus.
Chorus trips off the tongue. Some dark stiff here. Dark times