Saturday News

by @philkmills

Saturday News

Liner Notes

#rock #rhythm #noise

This began as a rhythm experiment. I was listening to the 11/8 intro of Whipping Post and thinking what a neat effect of essentially playing 12/8 and skipping the last beat. That got me wondering what would happen using the same idea with 9/8. The result can be heard as 4/4 (in eighth notes) but is being counted as 3-3-2.

After that, I decided that my other electronic pieces this year were too polite, so I needed something with a bit more bite.


Baseball score
Or odds on war
Odds on war
Don’t go there

I hate the news I read, but I can’t look away.

Singer dies
MAGA lies
China spies
China spies
Don’t go there

I hate the news I read, but I can’t look away.

Judge’s treats
Rising heat
Hot dog cheats
Hot dog cheats
Don’t go there

I hate the news I read, but I can’t look away.


This one does indeed have some bite! Guitar is nice and grungy, and I absolutely love that swooshy synth. Lyrics get right to a point that I'm feeling, too.
That rhythm is great, and I love when an experiment yields musical results.
The lyrics are brilliant. Crisp and specific, the lines you e chosen to repeat build the tension for 'dont go there' to reroute into the chorus line. I particularly like the evolution of the rhyming vowels from AW to I to EE. From a soft diphthong to a bitey one, to the harshest possible vowel.
Cool write!
Having trouble playing it. The "play" button changes when I click on it, but the timer doesn't advance and there's no sound. (Mac, Firefox)
Great building intro has that native music feel through the percussion and that is some cool guitar and synth. it really has a talking heads feel! very well done!
has a talking heads feel.
Love that opening beat - reminds me of so many cultural performances around the world.
Oooo! Nice rhythm going on here. Experimental sounding jungle of fun!