New Uke Boogie

by @kosch

Liner Notes

So, I came home to a parcel on the stoop..turns out it was a wee little travel uke, from a 'fulfillment center", so, my theory is I won it, one way or another.
...or maybe, just maybe, it was the universe sending me a sign, that I should play the uke. 🤔
I have a uke...but I rarely pick it up, and certainly do not actually know how to play it. Truth be told, the only times I have, of late, was last FAWM, and 50/90. So I guess I'm right on schedule 😆
Anyway - this is a "skirmish-y" kind of fun, slap together thing I "wrote" this morning (as the strings have now gotten to where they stay in tune for more than 10 minutes.) and taped between sips of coffee.
And, I hope your day is a good as that coffee!
#fuc #acousticonetake #bluesy


"New Uke Boogie"
While I was out, I was away (new uke boogie)
A parcel showed up on my stoop today (new uke boogie)
Where it came from, I could not say (new uke boogie)
Took it out, and I started to play, "The (new uke boogie)"

Everything seem ok, except the strings, they struggle to stay, in tuning... in tuning
Seems the universe was sending a sign, that I mighta been falling behind, in my my uke-ing

(new uke boogie) (new uke boogie) (new uke boogie)(new uke boogie)

Since it showed up here today, I guess I'm going to have to learn how to play, this uke here....this uke here.
'Cause when the universe send yo a sign, it pays to keep in mind, what you do here..yea, what you do here..

(new uke boogie) (new uke boogie) (new uke boogie)(new uke boogie)


Possibly the coolest uke song ever.
I'm with @odilongreen on this: your laid back approach to this really helps put this song across. It's so mellow and you are so relaxed, it's hard to believe you when you say you don't actually know how to play it. I mean, maybe there are uke shredders out there, but you obviously have a facility with the instrument and it was fun watching you sing and play. Nice work!
I love the phrase New Uke Boogie, and was expecting a blues song from that title, and here it is.

The play on the words in tuning and uke-ing was fun.
ha, sweet and fun! nice approach! fun stuff!
Such a relaxed, loose feel, like you're having an absolute blast without a care in the world singing about your cool new uke. Puts a big grin on my face; pure blues-tinged fun!
This is so fun! I know a lot of people self-diagnosed with Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome who would be right at home singing this one!
I love the natural flow of the lyrics, especially “uke-ing” as a verb. Always exciting to get a new instrument!
What a cool laid back boogie groove with your new uke! Great sign to get! I love that you received it and that you wrote about it! Flows well and love your vocals.