The rustling of the forest leaves in the wind

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

I regularly hike long distances - like yesterday. and I take cheese and bread with me. Sometimes an apple for a break. Simple and also perfect food!
This text was created in the process of the walk. Crossing forests, meadows, a stream ...
For me it is pure relaxation and I feel free and connected at the same time!

The dreamy music by Paul Pennyfeather is the perfect accompaniment!


Das Rauschen der Blätter des Waldes im Wind

Das Wasser der Quelle und Käse und Brot!
Ich fühl mich verbunden,
nichts macht mich so froh,
wie das sanfte Plätschern des Bachen!
Das Singen der Vögel!
Das Rauschen der Blätter des Waldes im Wind -
wohlig willkomen, wie ein geliebtes Kind!
Das Rauschen der Blätter des Waldes im Wind - wohlig willommen!

Königskerze, Brennessel, Waldglockenblume, wilder Thymian, Steinklee, wilde Karde, Wilde Möhre, Wilder Salbei, Johanniskraut, Goldrute, Agrimony, Tausendgüldenkraut, Mohn, Kornblume!

Ich schwelge in eurer Pracht
und sonne mich mit den Schmetterlingen!

Das rauschen der Blätter des Waldes im Wind ....

Was ist Dein Traum? Was ist Dein Traum?
Verbundenheit und Vertrauen! Verbundenheit und Vertrauen!

The rustling of the forest leaves in the wind

The water of the spring and cheese and bread!
I feel connected
nothing makes me so happy
like the gentle babbling of the stream!
The singing of the birds!
The rustling of the forest leaves in the wind -
warmly welcomed, like a beloved child!
The rustling of the forest leaves in the wind - a pleasant welcome!

Mullein, nettle, wild bellflower, wild thyme, sweet clover, wild teasel, wild carrot, wild sage, St. John's wort, goldenrod, agrimony, centaury, poppy, cornflower!

I revel in your splendor
and sunbathe with the butterflies!

The rustling of the forest leaves in the wind...

What is your dream? What is your dream?
Connection and trust! Connection and trust!


Magical music, lyrics, singing, playing and birds sounds. So wonderful to listen to and to and imagine being there. There is meditative effect in your song, and the feel of reality connected to a fairy tale, freedom, happiness, with a tough of nostalgia. Very beautiful song and collaboration. Love it.
Pretty guitar from the off. nothing like the sounds of nature! i spend a lot of time in it and it tells me many stories, none finer than this one - a fav for sure
great subtle guitar. your singing is so gentle and sweet. the synth interlude is a nice addition. cool song!
Very cool, like a walking journey, with a sense of forestry peace, the sounds all work well to make this a chill listen!
I couldn't resist the title, of course.
Both the vocals and the music convey a meditative feel that is really soothing. Melodically and rhythmically fit for a walk; I can indeed picture myself hiking in the middle of a forest, enjoying every murmur, every quivering.
Gorgeous lyrics.
Excellent work, both of you!
I love that thumping beat in there, over the birdsong. Poetic lyrics, ethereal vocals, and a pretty accompaniment.
Love this! The woods are my happy place, too. This is sort of like a modern-day Schubert Lied, somehow :)
Sehr gute Musik und Gesang, ich bin beeindruckt, nette Zusammenarbeit
That first line made me smile hard. This is so beautiful, what else to say? From the snappy beat to the lovely guitar to the melodica thing, not to mention the dreamy vocals, it's all perfect. I'm heading to such a place tomorrow, but I feel that I'm there already