Secret Family Recipes

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Secret Family Recipes” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 12

I distinctly remember writing these lyrics last summer. It may be a silly topic for a song, but it’s an ethical issue about which I’m legitimately passionate. I love making food for people, but I dont need to be the only person with the recipe. I’d rather be known for my generous spirit than my hoarding of flavor. Don’t be a recipe gatekeeper! Love makes us special, not being the only person who can make something. ❤️❤️

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #ethics #morality


There’s a shy supplication
Heard through all the nations
In the dusk of a meal more than nice
And a cringing in fear
As the answer draws near…
“Can I have the recipe?”
“Sorry, no dice.”

Hoarding flavor, what’s the need?
I don’t believe in secret family recipes
I don’t believe in making someone
Get on their knees
To find out how my grandma made her lemon squares
If they’re good enough to eat they’re not too good to share

Not my blood? You still deserve it
I’ll happily serve it
You don’t have to slip me a ten
And I won’t make you steal it
I’ll simply reveal it —
More than once; if you lose it, just
Ask me again!

All you have to say is please

And when I’m buried in the ground
I hope the copies still go round
And when I’m dust and memory
I hope someone I’ve never met makes something good out of my legacy…

Its not a loss, I’m no less me
I do not bleed when I release a recipe


Fully agree! Very happy to share and receive good recipes. But if your grandma was anything like mine, what she wrote down never quite matched what she did, as she adjusted for taste and texture without re-measuring.
Great topic for a song, and you're fun delivery works for this. Great job overall.
Good point, morally and ethically. Not a foodie myself, so a "recipe" to me means "How long does it take to reheat in the microwave". (Been a bachelor most of my life--a bad-cooking bachelor).

Lovely song, by the way! ❤️
whoa, I love the lyrics a lot. I really like the idea of not having "secret recipes" and your spin on that. Very nice to hear "I don't believe in making someone get on their knees" - so, so good.
What a clever idea for a song! I listened to it three times already. The second verse is my favorite part of the song.
The immortal lemon squares! Yum!
Leave us hangin’ LOL!
Cute, and a funky beat! Love your voice as always, but especially on the bridge. I think it's an awesome topic for a song, lol. I get very tired of love songs - but love of food is legit. 😄
What a totally unique steer and one that has to resonate...share and share alike!
Also great singing, playing and video too...
ive mostly cooked for myself and never used a rcipe, but remember when i was a child that mysterious, circular file with a rescipe pasted onto each card. those recipe cards were exchanged between neighborhood wives like kids with marbles. so it seems a strange world to me where people hoard their family recipes, i canunderstand chain restuarants and their secret sauces, but hoardiing a family recipe? your songs puts a light on so much of what is wrong with the world today. hoarding recipes? what's next? accusing your neighbors of intellectual robbery if they cut their hedges to the same height as yours?
You simply have excellent songwriting skills! Plus: a very nice, powerful voice!
Great idea implemented with confidence!

I hope it's ok to say that it has a touch of gospel to me!
Good melody and song. Something I would see live also!